Thursday, 16 October 2008

Boat Lift Parts

Boat Lift Parts
By Max Bellamy

Prior to buying any boatlift, you need to do your homework and know what replacement parts you may eventually need. There are a variety of companies, service providers and manufacturers who will give you information on repairing and replacing parts and have service departments who will do it for you.

You can think of your boatlift as your boat's garage. It is there to protect your boat when not in use. When a boat is sitting in the water, there are a number of damging factors that come into play. If you use your boat in saltwater, the salt invariably eats away at the hull, even if the hull is of the highest quality. If you use your boat in freshwater, there are still a number of microbes and chemicals that can reduce the integrity of your boat's exterior. Your boatlift protects your investment by keeping it clear of these harming agents when you're not using it.

Motors are the most important repair or replacement part that you may ever need. Most of the boatlift manufacturers are top providers of quality boatlift motors. If you have a hydraulic boatlift, you need a good motor.

Other important boat lift parts include the up and down switch, galvanized pipe bearings, power hoist, CFCI, power hoist with stainless steel plate and bolts, motor cover, HP electric motor, galvanized pipe bearings, bearing bracket, strap bearing, snatch block and many others.

These parts can easily be found at any boating/marina store, or check on line for boatlifts. With a good boatlift, your expensive boat will last a lot longer.

Boat Lifts provides detailed information on boat lifts, used boat lifts, floating boat lifts, boat lift motors and more. Boat Lifts is affiliated with Boat Docks.

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